Compound Exercises for Functional Strength

Compound exercises are perfect for martial artists because they build functional strength, improve coordination, and enhance overall athleticism. This blog article lists and describes excellent compound exercises that complement full-body strength for martial arts.


A compound exercise uses several muscle groups collaboratively to perform a movement.

There are many benefits that come from performing compound exercises, including training multiple muscles at once (efficiency), raising testosterone and growth hormone (metabolic), stronger bones (osteogenesis), coordinating multiple muscle groups (neuromuscular coordination), burning more calories (energy expenditure), dynamic soft-tissue stretching (flexibility and mobility).

Below is a list of specific compound exercises that can benefit any martial artist.

Image Source: Adobe Stock
By airdone

Lower Body Strength and Explosiveness

Squats (Barbell, Dumbbell, or Bodyweight)

        • Muscles Worked: Quads, hamstrings, glutes, core.

        • Benefits for Martial Arts: Enhances leg strength for powerful kicks, improves hip mobility, and develops stability.

        • Variations: Goblet squats, Bulgarian split squats, and jump squats for explosiveness.

Deadlifts (Conventional or Romanian)

        • Muscles Worked: Hamstrings, glutes, lower back, traps, core.

        • Benefits for Martial Arts: Builds overall power, strengthens the posterior chain, and improves grip strength for grappling.

        • Variations: Sumo deadlifts, trap bar deadlifts.

Lunges (Walking or Stationary)

        • Muscles Worked: Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves.

        • Benefits for Martial Arts: Improves balance, single-leg strength, and lateral movement.

        • Variations: Side lunges, reverse lunges, jumping lunges.

Image Source: Adobe Stock
By Iona

Upper Body Strength and Coordination

Push-Ups (Weighted or Explosive)

        • Muscles Worked: Chest, shoulders, triceps, core.

        • Benefits for Martial Arts: Improves punching power and core stability.

        • Variations: Clap push-ups, Spiderman push-ups, archer push-ups.


        • Muscles Worked: Lats, biceps, traps, core.

        • Benefits for Martial Arts: Strengthens grip and upper body pulling power, which are crucial for grappling and clinching.

        • Variations: Weighted pull-ups, towel pull-ups for grip.

Overhead Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)

        • Muscles Worked: Shoulders, triceps, core, upper traps.

        • Benefits for Martial Arts: Improves shoulder stability and punching power.

        • Variations: Push press for added explosiveness.

Image Source: Adobe Stock
By offsuperphoto

Core and Rotational Strength

Russian Twists with a Medicine Ball

        • Muscles Worked: Obliques, transverse abdominis, lower back.

        • Benefits for Martial Arts: Develops rotational power for strikes and grappling transitions.

Turkish Get-Ups

        • Muscles Worked: Full body, especially shoulders, core, and hips.

        • Benefits for Martial Arts: Builds shoulder stability, core control, and functional strength.

Landmine Rotations

        • Muscles Worked: Obliques, lats, shoulders, core.

        • Benefits for Martial Arts: Enhances rotational power and control for strikes.

Image Source: Adobe Stock
By Andrii Gatchenko

Explosive Power

Power Cleans

   •      Muscles Worked: Full body, including legs, back, shoulders, and core.

   •      Benefits for Martial Arts: Boosts explosive power and coordination, essential for dynamic movements like kicks and takedowns.

Kettlebell Swings

   •      Muscles Worked: Glutes, hamstrings, lower back, core.

   •      Benefits for Martial Arts: Builds explosive hip power and endurance.

Box Jumps

   •      Muscles Worked: Quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves.

   •      Benefits for Martial Arts: Develops explosiveness for jumps, kicks, and fast transitions.

The Global Martial Arts University Combat Strong Course

Global Martial Arts University has a modern, science-based strength and endurance course called Combat Strong. This course is designed with the martial artist in mind. It’s also a great total-body workout for non-martial artists!

You can find all of the exercises listed above (and MORE) in the Combat Strong course.

Check out the course overview and learn more about the coach, Weston Titus. You can even try a FREE workout!

SIGN UP today and get Combat Strong!

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